
Working with fellow students outside of the classroom toward a common goal or passion is an integral part of the college experience. At UNE, you’ll find no shortage of other students who share your commitment to sustainability. 事实上, the University supports a variety of student clubs and organizations that enable you to make friends and, 同时, 有所作为. 一个的 环境委员会, 虽然不是严格意义上的学生社团, offers another great way for environmentally minded students to connect to one another — as well as to faculty and professional staff who are devoted to sustainable practices at UNE.


地球的E.C.O. (Environmentally Conscious Organization) is dedicated to making UNE an environmentally aware university through various educational endeavors. 由来自不同专业的学生组成, the club works to inform and engage the community in activities related to the environment and raise concerns about issues such as pollution and climate change, while also encouraging people to experience nature in order to better appreciate its beauty and become passionate about its protection. 地球的E.C.O. sponsors guest speakers and hosts many activities during Earth Month.

U N E students sitting at a climate lecture


The Aquaponics”俱乐部 provides learning and leadership opportunities within the School of Marine Programs' student-managed Aquaponics Lab. The club is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of systems within the lab space and for tending to the fish and plants around which the systems are centered. Club members receive hands-on experience with the plumbing and infrastructure required for recirculating aquaculture systems as well as Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) training on how to properly care for the fish in the system in compliance with federal regulations. The club's efforts culminate in the sale of edible plants at the Edible Campus Markets, held twice a year to augment the UNE 食用校园倡议.

A U N E student checking on their hydroponically grown plants


The 蜜蜂保育俱乐部 is dedicated to promoting and organizing educational and hands-on learning activities related to honeybee conservation and bee-keeping skills. The club works with other environmentally oriented student organizations, such as Earth’s E.C.O. 以及“可食用校园倡议”, to maintain two healthy bee colonies at UNE and contribute to 一个的 overall sustainability efforts.

U N E student checking bee hive frames

Marine and Environmental Programs Club

The Marine and Environmental Programs Club gives students an opportunity to explore the various aspects of and become more involved and familiar with 一个的 marine and environmental academic programs by connecting club members with faculty and other resources. The club provides opportunities for first-year/underclass marine and environmental programs students to connect with upperclass marine and environmental programs students; for all marine and environmental programs students to connect with professors to learn about research opportunities, 实习/就业机会, all aspects of the marine and environmental programs and available resources, 比如辅导, and how to build resumes; and to host events/community service projects related to marine and environmental issues.

Two U N E students handling horseshoe crabs at their aquarium internship


The 海洋俱乐部 promotes and organizes marine science events and environmental and ocean awareness campaigns, thereby creating a community of those who love the ocean and the animals that reside in it. One does not need to be a Marine 科学 major to join. All that is required is a love of the sea. The club holds educational events, movie nights, craft activities, whale watching events, and more.

Four U N E students walking down the beach next to the ocean


有关俱乐部的联系信息,请访问 参与门户.